jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

FOA Reflection

This form must be completed and handed in no later than the class immediately following the FOA.  Please note that this form must be kept on file for the IB.  Please complete this legibly and carefully.
This FOA was my first
I worked (circle one):
·       With a group (maximum 4)(Group Members: Diego Correa, Franco Lozano

Language and Mass Communication Topic: Social Media
Text type(s) Focus:  Speech
Number of Text Types YOU used in the activity: 1
Type of Activity (Circle one):

· Structured Group Discussion/Oral Presentation

Describe in detail how you feel the activity went:
I feel that the activity did not go very well. To begin with, my group members did most of the discussion, therefore; I could not speak as much as I needed to, in order to achieve a higher score. This was because my group did not meet in order to plan the discussion, so when my other group members spoke, they presented the information I had also researched. Secondly, I do not have many skills in respect to presenting so whenever I said something, I would emidiately studder or mispronounce the words.

If you were working with a partner or a group, comment on the success of your collaboration:
Our collaboration was near null. We never spoke about what each one would say, except during the class, right before the FOA, we just concluded on what speech we would do. Diego and I agreed on meeting one day to research and plan the presentation, but due to several things, this could not be done, concluding a completely disorganized presentation. 
Name three specific changes that you will make to improve on your next FOA
1.    Plan ahead of the presentation
2.    Show some sort of media throughout the presentation
3.    Analyze much deeper

Teacher’s Assessment
Activity Start Time: _____________                          Activity End Time: ______________
Did the student participate 8 to 10 minutes?  Yes__ No__ Comment: _______________
Criterion A:
___/ 10

Criterion B:
___/ 10

Criterion C:
___/ 5

Criterion D:
___/ 5

Total Score
___/ 30
                                 ___/ 7
General Comments:






1 comentario:

  1. Hi Nicolas,
    An interesting reflection which made me pause for thought. So you did the research but did not communicate this? Ok, so we have identified a legitimate goal. Let's talk about what you want to move into later in life and think how this task could (not necessarily for sure) be useful prep. for that longer term goal.
    Jon Rees
